The idiocy is spreading. Since I'm fed up with what the Buffalo News has to, uh, "offer," I've been cruising the internets periodically looking for hockey tidbits. (Hey, I'm ridding myself of addiction one step at a time. If hockey news were nicotine, I would be in the second-patch stage right now.) Yesterday I landed on
this, and I remembered why I vowed to quit in the first place. That's right, some genius is trying to say that the Rangers and the Flyers et al. stockpiling players is something to rejoice, no matter who you are. Apparently I've been thinking about the free agent situation all wrong, because this is a win for everyone involved: big market fans get to watch their teams succeed, small market fans get to continue hating the big markets with renewed passion, and the NHL gets more popular because "It's the presence of teams that are as rich in tradition as they are in talent that makes a sport compelling." And, honestly, who's not happy with that? Um, maybe fans who would rather watch their own "traditionless" teams do well than hate on other teams? Listen, I love a good rivalry. I'll admit hating the Senators made the playoffs more fun. But that's about hockey. This is about business, and "You have more money than me! That's not fair!" That kind of bitterness isn't fun for anyone. As for the whole popularity angle, it's no coincidence that I found my inner monologue screaming "I DON'T CARE!" after every paragraph. I don't care if Toronto is a more "marketable" team than Buffalo. I don't care if the Stanley Cup Final was beaten in the ratings by televised snail races. I literally could not care less if people like hockey or not. Especially if Cup after Cup for the Rangers and Red Wings is the only way to win them over. Yuck. By the by, this guy (I almost feel bad for not taking the time to jump tabs and look up his name, but I really don't care) cements his douchebag status by linking to a Bucky Gleason article. I'm not surprised to find they run in packs.
In other news:

David Beckham knows nothing says "I'm a slag-faced whore who left all my fans behind and turned my back on everything they believe in for boatloads of money" like the number 23.
In other, other news, today is my kid brother's eighteenth birthday. I feel old.
23 is the mark of the slag-faced whore. At least now that I know the tell tale number of the slag-faced whores, I will not be caught off guard again.
I am tempted to read the article that got you all riled up, but I am also quite certain I don't need further riling. Hmm.
If Hawthorne had written The Scarlet Number instead, that number would have totally been 23.
I really didn't need further riling, either, but it's somehow unavoidable. I'm just too sensitive, I guess. And I ask for it, reading opinion columns. Still, this article is laughable in its logic. How do people get paid for writing this?
Honestly. We should be happy that the system is slanted toward the success of big market teams? I know that makes me want to stand up and clap (sarcasm alert!)
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