I read my study abroad booklet from cover to cover, but there was not one bit of information in there on how best to keep up with one’s favorite hockey team while in Europe (go figure), so I may have just seen my last Sabres game for a long time. How sad! I expect that will put somewhat of a limit on how well I’ll be able to blog about them, but I’ll do my best to find something to write about. I’ll certainly be thinking about the team. Also, I’m not at all sure what sort of internet I’ll have access to in Germany, so if the updates aren’t forthcoming please be aware that it’s not because I don't love you, it’s just because Germany doesn’t love the internet.
For anyone who’s interested, I’ve started a travel blog to document my German/Austrain journey through pictures and writing. You can check that out over here: Brooke’s Semester Ablog (Yes, I attached my real-life name to it. Shhhh, don’t tell anyone!) There's not much to it right now, but that's sure to change.
As we were saying goodbye, my brother asked me to bring some Vanek with me when I come back. I said I’ll see what I can do. Anyone have any other requests?
Now that all the organizational things are out of the way, I’ll say farewell and “Have a nice trip!” (I mean, yeah, thanks, I will!) with a couple of last words about the Ice Bowl:
There has been some talk circling the blogosphere about poor fan conduct, particularly from the Sabres fans, and while I’m sure there were a few drunken yahoos, I thought it was worth mentioning that I saw exactly zero disturbances throughout the entire game and pregame. I took part in some good-natured ribbing with Pens fans while tailgate hopping, booing various people who walked by in the (really awesome-looking) powder blue or gold and black sweaters. But every single one of those people turned to me and booed right back, and then we smiled and laughed and shared an unspoken, “Isn’t this fantastic? Can you believe we’re here?” After the game, a Sabres fan stood in the causeway with his two small children, sharing high fives and “Good game!”s with the passing Pittsburgh fans, and as we were all pushing out of the arena, squishing up against each other, the Crosby besweatered guy next to me assured me he was keeping his arms down, so if I got elbowed, it wasn’t from him. The Buffalo fan on my other side remarked that it was somewhat ironic that we were all having to walk like penguins in order to get out of the building. And that’s as much fan interaction as I saw. I’m sorry that some people’s experience was ruined or soured by a few assholes, but I felt just as it was a great day to be a Buffalonian, it was a great day to be a hockey fan, no matter who you cheer for.
All in all it was an experience I’ll never forget, and even though we lost, I’m not going to worry about it. We played well, and truth be told I thought the Penguins were a little more than lucky to get the W. But that’s just how the game goes sometimes and I’m just going to accept it in this case. Even if we end up missing the playoffs by one point (knock on wood), I’ll find some other shootout loss to complain about. This game was pure.
My sister risked finger amputation to take some photos at the game, and I want to share some of her choicest shots:

Derek Roy: "Oh no, I think one of my purple sequins fell off my helmet and into my EYE..... AHHHH.... Time out! Call a time out Lindy, before I lose my sight and my keen sense of arranging jewels in a artistic fashion!"

Awwww... the pics are nice.
Especially the last one of us.
just breathe.
I love your pictures!
Hope you enjoy Germany!
AW!! IT IS MR. BITCHFACE HIMSELF!! In classic TIMMY! fashion, looking like he hates the world and wants everyone to die.
God, I love him.
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