Today's February 2nd, which to me means only one thing:
Groundhog Day. This Bill Murray masterpiece takes its place in the Gambler Family Arsenal of Quotable Movies right alongside This is Spinal Tap and My Cousin Vinny, and this holiday gives us an excuse to work into everyday conversation phrases like "Did you really want to talk about the weather, or were you just making chit-chat?" and "Too early for flapjacks?" Not that we need one, really. I'll admit I've been a little nostalgic all day, thinking about all the groundhoggy fun they're surely having without me, so I thought, what better way to make my own fun than to combine the two things I'm most bummed about missing out on while in Germany? And let's be honest, being a Sabres fan this season has been not unlike being stuck living the same crappy day over and over again, wherein your hockey team keeps showing up to play 15 minutes of hockey every night, and just when it seems they've finally learned their lesson and turned it around for good, they're starting over again at square one. In honor of all that, Groundhog Day quotes meet the Sabres:
(Yes, I know this is the cop-outtiest of all cop-out posts, but you have to understand: It's been a month since I last saw a hockey game. A
month. My withdrawal has gotten so bad that I'm actually planning on going to a sports bar at midnight on Sunday to watch the Super Bowl. That's
football, people. I'm desperate, and not a little bit crazy, I don't doubt. Furthermore, if I pretended to know what's really going on with the Sabres right now, that would be a downright lie. Even eyewitnesses can barely seem to figure them out, and the ocean between us certainly doesn't add any clarity. I figure being honestly frivolous is better than being deceitfully intelligent. If you want actual hockey content, I suggest checking out
Heather proving that Campbell sucks. Here? Just enjoy the pictures.)
Hey, Soupy, you're at the All-Star Game again! Do you ever have deja vu?

Soupy: I don't think so, but I could check with the kitchen.
*Sarcastic clapping* Just put that anywhere, pal! Yeah! Good save!

Hey, he could still be okay.

Well, not
What would you do if you were stuck in one place, and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?

Andrew Peters: That about sums it up for me.
happy grounds hog day love your post
I'm ththinknking (shivering in front of a wide brimmed highway patrolman)...
Yo' Mama's perversion of "groundhog" is open to speculative interpretation- Happy (from Waiting for Godot?) grounds (ala Fargo) hog (pig, motorcycle), happy grounds (sounds like a cafe) hog day (pig out). Give it a dash of punctuation and you have a taste of playback permutations that people who love the movie revel in.
As far as our Boys in Blue and Gold are concerned, what are their chances of making the playoffs? At the beginning of the season, we fans would have confidently, almost indignantly replied, "Chance of playoffs, 100%" In December, we could have mustered a shaky "Chance of playoffs, uh, 75%?" Now, "Watch out for that first step, it's a doozy!"
It's an uncomfortable situation for Sabres fans, especially with the lower body injury to Ryan Miller. Just what we need now, when he was just beginning to stonwall the opposition! My lamentations to the Hockey Gods have prompted a response that puts me in a Jim Carey groundshogday moment... "You've been here before, haven't you?"
Brooke, do you think we'll have early Spring?
Dad, I knew you'd have fun with this post! Now, "you can either finish watching this Sabres season, or you can freeze to death. It's your call." (Sorry to mix and match movie references, but for a while there, it looked like your best response might have been "I could use a good ass-kicking, I'll be honest with you.")
The Fargo reference is delightfully morbid, but I think you're confused about Waiting for Godot. There was no Happy, only Lucky. But I think Happy Gilmore grinding up a pig/motorcycle in a woodchipper is equally as random and disturbing.
What a brilliant way to break down the Sabres' playoff hopes! I knew I should have consulted you for this post!
Ah, yes, when it comes to dealing with the Hockey Gods, there's not much one can do besides "piss and moan like an impotent jerk, and then bend over and take it up the tailpipe." Unfortunately. Still, after reviewing last game's penalty report, I'd like to order the team to "Quit breaking the law, assholes!"
I'm thinking March 21st. Until then, don't drive angry!
"Call back tomorrow."
"What if there isn't a tomorrow? There wasn't one today."
(I love Groundhog Day.)
"This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather."
Great post Gambler! Groundhog Day is truly a modern classic.
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