4 - 1
(Note: I've been running around the city all day and haven't had a chance to update my reaction to last nights games yet. I posted the scores, and my commentary will follow when I have the chance, so stay tuned. Update: It's there now!)
I'm going to be missing the first game, since I've decided I really just don't care about either team. After spending so much time with Germans recently I've remembered why I hated the Italians so much in the World Cup, and I've decided it's best if I just stay away and don't let their good looks get to me. (Although second-hand reports tell me they are considerably less hot now than they once were. These reports have not been confirmed.) In any case, I'm definitely super stoked about the second game. I said the Dutch had to work if they wanted to win my affection, and boy have they done a great job. The glaring orangeness of their jerseys and patent ridiculous of their names was just a start, and from there they went on to beat Italy 3-0, with some of the most beautiful goals I've ever seen. (Seriously, check them out.) Plus, I've heard their fans are really fun. So I've rewarded them by buying an orange shirt, and am looking forward to the fan mile tonight. Also, I still hate France. Go Nederland!
Update: Like I said, I didn't watch the Italy/Romania game, and it seems I missed what might be the best save of the tournament so far. With nine minutes left, Romania was awarded a penalty shot, and their chance to break the 1-1 tie and beat Italy for the first time in almost 20 years. But then this happened:

[Getty Images]
On the one hand, I wish I had seen it, but on the other hand, I'm glad I didn't, because it might have made me start liking Italy, and that's dangerous, dangerous ground.
On to the game I actually did see, I don't really have much to say about it, since my friends and I decided to play a drinking game beforehand. It was all kind of a big blur. It did make the viewing more fun though, especially since the fan mile was relatively empty in comparison to the night before. The game was really great from the perspective of a Netherlands fan; they scored early and never gave up the lead, or really lost control of the game. France scored on a really nice redirection by Henri that just squeaked into the side of the net to make it 2-1 and Holland responded by scoring an even prettier goal just seconds later. A Dutch player maneuvered around the French defense to take a bad-angle shot, which had no business going into the net, but it did anyway. It was really beautiful, and perfectly juggernauty. I think I might be in love with the Netherlands. I really wish I knew Dutch though, especially when people started chanting Dutch chants at me, expecting me to join in because I was wearing an orange shirt. That was a little awkward. Also, I may not hate France anymore, but I think I need to do some more research before I can conclusively say. Stay tuned.
On to the game I actually did see, I don't really have much to say about it, since my friends and I decided to play a drinking game beforehand. It was all kind of a big blur. It did make the viewing more fun though, especially since the fan mile was relatively empty in comparison to the night before. The game was really great from the perspective of a Netherlands fan; they scored early and never gave up the lead, or really lost control of the game. France scored on a really nice redirection by Henri that just squeaked into the side of the net to make it 2-1 and Holland responded by scoring an even prettier goal just seconds later. A Dutch player maneuvered around the French defense to take a bad-angle shot, which had no business going into the net, but it did anyway. It was really beautiful, and perfectly juggernauty. I think I might be in love with the Netherlands. I really wish I knew Dutch though, especially when people started chanting Dutch chants at me, expecting me to join in because I was wearing an orange shirt. That was a little awkward. Also, I may not hate France anymore, but I think I need to do some more research before I can conclusively say. Stay tuned.
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