Well, Sabres, I regret to inform you that in your long absence, I've found somebody else. That's right, there's a new team in my heart these days. That team? The Harlem Globetrotters of The Amazing Race.

Before this Sunday, I had never seen an episode of The Amazing Race in my life, and I can't recall ever feeling like I missing out on something. Well, if contestants are routinely as charming and loveable as Flight Time and Big Easy, I have been most definitely missing out. After accidentally watching ten minutes of the latest episode at a friend's house, I was hooked enough to not only finish out the episode, but also head over to CBS.com and catch up on the season from the beginning. That's right! I'm sacrificing some precious, precious internet time, here! It's clearly love.
And really, what's not to love? They not only have the best attitude about the competition, and the sweetest team dynamic, but also: they're two goofy BFGs named Flight Time and Big Easy. Who are willing to use their hands in place of oars, if necessary. Nuff Said. Sure, they might be the one team in the race who needs $1,000,000 the least, but I'm still rooting for them to go all the way. And given the fact that their legs are about ten feet long, I can't see how they don't have this in the bag.
Let's go, Globetrotters!
(Oh, and Buffalo, too, I suppose. If they ever play again.)
And really, what's not to love? They not only have the best attitude about the competition, and the sweetest team dynamic, but also: they're two goofy BFGs named Flight Time and Big Easy. Who are willing to use their hands in place of oars, if necessary. Nuff Said. Sure, they might be the one team in the race who needs $1,000,000 the least, but I'm still rooting for them to go all the way. And given the fact that their legs are about ten feet long, I can't see how they don't have this in the bag.
Let's go, Globetrotters!
(Oh, and Buffalo, too, I suppose. If they ever play again.)
I never watched The Amazing Race prior to this season (although I did go back and watch last season recently) and I never felt like I was missing something either. But it turns out that I love it.
And the Globetrotters are awesome! I laughed so hard Sunday when they caught up and started trying to further psych out the whiney girl with all the phobias and her manhandling boyfriend.
I also like that Meghan and Cheyne couple who have been first for the last couple legs of the race. They just seem so competent that I find them calming even when she's freaking out.
What's up with your blog?
Oh, you guys! The Amazing Race is the best ever! If you like this season (I think it's been a little lackluster), you'll love previous seasons. There's almost always one really sweet, lovable team, sometimes more than one! It's the least reality TV reality TV on TV. (Heh.)
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