Look! Look how sweet he looks there! And the little flash of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles brand mouth guard? That Yo-Yo, he knows just what I like. (Thanks to My Safety Is Harvard for the picture.)
And look who has ten goals all of the sudden! That twenty-mark doesn't look so far away now, does it? Just do me a favor, Yo-Yo, and never utter the sentence, "If I don't make it to twenty, I'm stupid."
So I know that for an ostensible hockey blogger, I haven't blogged about actual hockey in a long time. I blame the Sabres. If they could just decide on what kind of team they're going to be, I'd be able to better write about them. At this point, anything I write in reaction to one game will just end up being obsolete one game later, because apparently my hockey team wants to keep me on my toes. Sometimes they look, honest to God, like they could beat any team in the league if they just put their collective mind to it; other times they look like someone cut off their feet. It's so frustrating! Is it that hard to just decide to have feet?
The worst part is the problems are never the same. Sometimes it's the offense that's not clicking, recently it's been the defense that's been sloppy and disappointing. And sometimes, as was the case in L.A., everything is just wrong, wrong, wrong. Would it kill them to just choose a set of flaws and stick to them? Why must you refuse to be pinned down?! I want to put you in a box! Get in the box!!
And look who has ten goals all of the sudden! That twenty-mark doesn't look so far away now, does it? Just do me a favor, Yo-Yo, and never utter the sentence, "If I don't make it to twenty, I'm stupid."
So I know that for an ostensible hockey blogger, I haven't blogged about actual hockey in a long time. I blame the Sabres. If they could just decide on what kind of team they're going to be, I'd be able to better write about them. At this point, anything I write in reaction to one game will just end up being obsolete one game later, because apparently my hockey team wants to keep me on my toes. Sometimes they look, honest to God, like they could beat any team in the league if they just put their collective mind to it; other times they look like someone cut off their feet. It's so frustrating! Is it that hard to just decide to have feet?
The worst part is the problems are never the same. Sometimes it's the offense that's not clicking, recently it's been the defense that's been sloppy and disappointing. And sometimes, as was the case in L.A., everything is just wrong, wrong, wrong. Would it kill them to just choose a set of flaws and stick to them? Why must you refuse to be pinned down?! I want to put you in a box! Get in the box!!
On the subject of good news, the defense is fast getting healthy. Tallinder should be in tomorrow night against the Caps, and Kalinin shouldn't be far behind him. Yay! We sorely need those guys to come in and remind the Sabres how not to keep turning the puck over right in front of the net. And just for the record, while I'm a self-proclaimed Patches fan, I'm firmly on the play-Kalinin-and-sit-Paetsch side of that debate. (And for reals, that's even a debate?) Pratt has earned his spot for now, and I hate to think what a state Miller's crease would be in without him. Add in the fact that Teppo skated with the team in this morning's practice (EEEEEEE!) and we could have an interesting defense situation on our hands pretty soon. Hopefully that can lead to only good things.
In other belated birthday present news, last night I put in the order for the Hecht jersey that my boyfriend is buying me. The good news is that it's everything my hopes and dreams promised it would be; the bad news is that it might not arrive before I'm gone to Germany. Here's hoping for speedy delivery!
The concentration! The intensity! The... Oh look! Something shiny!
In other belated birthday present news, last night I put in the order for the Hecht jersey that my boyfriend is buying me. The good news is that it's everything my hopes and dreams promised it would be; the bad news is that it might not arrive before I'm gone to Germany. Here's hoping for speedy delivery!

Apparently some parts of my readership aren't happy unless I'm talking about Pommers 24/7. Luckily for me, he's a pretty good little hockey player, so there's usually plenty to say. He had a great night against the Islanders, getting three assists, including the set-up to the goal that made the above Yo-Yo picture possible. Good boy, Pommers! Here are some nummies for you:
The sudden influx of defensemen is dizzying. If they sit Pratt, I'm going to be HONKED. (And not honked as in "for the Goose", honked as in MAD.) I love Nolan Pratt.
Yo-Yo looks like he is about six in that picture. It really is darling.
What about Pommers' play in the Islander game? That's my boy!!!
Kate, I agree. Pratt should stay in, and I'm pretty intrigued to see what a Pratt/Kalinin pairing can do. I think it could be pretty good. But then once Teppo's back, everything will get really screwy. Hopefully it'll be a good problem to have.
He does look like he's six! I just want to strap one of those puffy cartoon superhero backpacks on him and send him off to school.
Regarding Pommers: There. Is that better?
That's a really cute picture of Yo-Yo and Timmy. I like it!
I'm so excited for your jersey! You must publish photos when you get it. I'll hope extra hard it gets here before you head off for the Land of Jochen.
I would totally appreciate the Sabres getting in some kind of box. They are maddening.
Oh, hey! How do you get the captions all centered so nicely under your photos?
Your guy has green teeth.
ahahah PATCHES!!
Oh, Nathan why do you make me lov eyou so?? That picture WINS.
I have to admit, I'm kind of in love with that picture. Because not only is Patches sitting on his goalie's head, pointing at some unseen terror with a petrified look on his face, but Roy and Vanek are just standing there going, "Dude, Nate, what the hell is wrong with you?" It's priceless!
Your guy has green teeth.
I know, isn't it so cute? Um, and your guy is young enough to be your son. So there!
Greeat reading your blog post
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