Alright, Sabres, I know you guys aren't very good at focusing these days (Pommers? Pommers! Stop chewing on those slippers and pay attention!), so I'll try to make this as simple and easy to understand as possible. First of all, I know you're in California. I know it's warm and sunny and Buffalo is cold and snowy. I know that if I were in Cali right now I'd certainly be relaxing and enjoying myself. But I don't get paid to play hockey.

You know, I've heard skates don't work so well on sand. So get back to the rink, stop trying to film your own version of Weezer's "Beverly Hills" video, and turn off the Mamas and the Papas. Get serious.

Luckily, you guys should already be in San Jose, where I've been assured there's nothing to distract you, aside from a giant, interactive monopoly board.

So, if there are no more questions about what you shouldn't be doing, let's get started on the things you should most definitely be doing. Okay, from the hour I wasted on your game against the Kings last night, it seems to me that you need to be introduced to something. This:

is a puck. Does it seem familiar now? Once upon a time, you knew what it was, but I guess there's something about that California air. Anyway, the whole point with the puck, as maybe you'll remember, is to put it:

in the net. Uh, oh. You guys look confused. Okay, okay, I'll back up. It's probably a good idea to get the puck on your stick first, and then, once you're ready, maybe get it onto a teammate's stick, and then eventually get it into the net. Just so we're absolutely clear, having possession of the puck should look something like this:

Just a reminder, since you guys seemed pretty confused the other night. Now this part is very important, so listen carefully: In order to get the puck into the net, you have to shoot it at the net. I know, I know, this is all very confusing, and I don't have a visual for you, since it's hard to show what a shot looks like with a still image. Just ask Lindy to help you out here.
These are all just a few things you should think about before tomorrow's game. Feel free to print these things out, hang them in your locker stalls, whatever you think will help you most. Because trust me. You need it.
Apparently the MSG affiliate where my aunt and uncle live has decided to pretend these west coast games don't exist (can you blame them?), so I'm not going to be able to watch tomorrow night. I don't mean to imply that I'm some sort of difference maker, but I think we both know how miserable your record is when I'm not watching. But if you can do your best to break out of that habit and win one without me there, that would be great. You really owe us one.
leave pommers alone. Why have you not criticized the goalies' performances? Why aren't you studying more?
I'll leave Pommers alone when he stops ruining my favorite slippers all the time! I can't have anything in this house!
I didn't watch enough of the recent games to get a good look at Thibault and Miller. And it's pretty hard to assess how well or poorly a goalie is doing when he gets no support from his skaters. (Plus it makes Meghan cry when I criticize her boyfriend.)
I'm studying just fine! Don't you worry your head about it!
HA! Glad to see you gave a shoutout to the giant Monopoly board. Seriously, what the hell is with that thing?
I have to say, I'm totally fascinated by that giant Monopoly board. I think my little brother and I would be all over that baby!
Happy belated birthday, Gambler!
Did you get our information about Timmy for us or what? :-)
I'm totally late on this, but this post is awesome. And you added the monopoly board! :)
I came over to wish you a HAAAAPPPPY LATE BIRTHDAY, Gmabler!
This post is hilarious, by the way! I bet the Sabres really were living it up in LA. They can't really go anywhere around here without causing a big scene. In LA they could oogle the starlets all they wanted. Naughty, Sabres!
Great reading tthis
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