Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm Not Dead

Oh hey, look! It's my blog! Long time no see...

Um, yeah. Moving into school and adjusting to my new schedule has required more, uh, adjusting than I thought. And I don't know that it looks like it's letting up anytime soon, so I'm probably going to be the first hockey blogger in the history of hockey blogging who actually posts less during the season than during the off-season. I am so professional. So if any of you get fed up with my lack of production and abandon me, that's okay. No hard feelings. As the subtitle to this blog suggests, it's all about me listening to myself, anyway. But whether anyone's reading or not, I'll be here, still plugging away at my Reasons I Love Hockey, finishing those last two Game to Remember Diaries, and churning out all the rants and opinions that my roommates are too sick and tired of listening to. (I'm fully expecting that, "[Gambler], we don't care! Go write it in your blog," will become their new favorite phrase.)

The updating speed will be irregular and erratic, but don't worry: I'll be around. I'll be too desperate to talk about hockey not to be. As an example of just how dry the well of hockey discourse at stately Desperation manor is, I recently asked one of my roommates (a Minnesotan, and a half-Canadian to boot) to tell me five things he knows about hockey. He came up with the following:

  1. The puck goes in the goal.
  2. It's played in Canada a lot.
  3. The players wear lots of equipment which covers up their beautiful, beautiful bodies, but also, thankfully, their teeth, which no longer exist.
  4. "I'm a Flamer!" (Meaning that he is an occasional follower of the Calgary Flames, but also that he's gay and loves making that joke.)
  5. And, oh! It's played with a puck!

It would be a long, long season if I didn't have this blog to talk to. (If it ever gets started, that is. Come on, Oct 5th!)

1 comment:

Heather B. said...

Hi, Gambler! Hope you're starting to adjust. I miss your blog so update when you can, will ya?!